Tuesday, September 13, 2005

tick, tick, tick

Ever since I got sick, I have had this off and on (more on than off) headache centered on my left eyebrow. It gets worse the more I concentrate on something, which made transcribing the last of a recent interview very trying, methodical and painful. I'd been popping Advil, just in the mornings, which got me through work today, but I don't want to become dependent on it. Now I'm trying the beer method, which I'm already dependent on, but to little or no avail. I've never gotten consistent migraines before, and I don't know if it is a migraine. I think the fever I had on Thursday night friged something in my frontal lobe and it's just a matter of time.

I just hope I get to sleep tonight, because tomorrow I have a really important interview, and I want it to go well. I forgot to turn my phone on today and missed a call from my sister. She said my grandmother wanted to talk to me. She's 102. My grandmother, not my sister. I tried calling her a couple days ago, because I heard she had pneumonia, but she couldn't hear me very well so she passed the phone on to my uncle, and I talked to him instead. I heard she's feeling better though, and that's good. I'll call her on the walk to work tomorrow. Or maybe if I can sneak away for lunch.

I watched The Al Franken Show on the Sundance Channel and sent off an idea for a comic strip to an artist friend of mine back home. I really hope it pans out. It's an idea I've been kicking around since I went to go see The Scorpion King in the theaters with two friends of mine. I'm not putting too much stock in it yet though. Everytime I've tried to work with an artist, it's gone poorly.

My head's killing me.

R got me addicted to NationStates and I'm agonizing over what decision to make on the latest issue. I know Marulak will prevail. It endures, like the fire-breathing dragons that roam the lush forests... O, Marulak, our proud and sacred home. I long for the sight of your comely women and majestic free-range dragons. My breast swells with pride...as does theirs...

Anyway, I should go to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Cool site buying property in prague

Erratic Prophet said...

Look at that! You got spammed again!

My country rocks. We have ravens and foul-mouthed children.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

yay spam! i totally want to buy property in prague.

Michelle said...

wow 102, what cool genes you have!


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