Wednesday, September 14, 2005

my fortune reads: you are active, full of ideas and have a generous nature

I tried a new dish--new for me anyway--at my favorite restaurant for lunch yesterday. It was beef with tomatoes and bits of green pepper, onions and egg, I think. I'd never had a dish at a Chinese restaurant with tomatoes in it before and I was pleasantly surprised. She makes really good food there. That place is my happy place.

Today was really stressful. I knew I had one high-profile interview, but it turned out that I had two. I was only able to listen to the new album on speaker phone, and yeah, I was pretty intimidated. They'd both been interviewed so many times, and I knew this would be one that people would actually read, if they got their hands on it, and I don't think I was up to the task. I tried to be too inventive and intuitive, and it almost blew up in my face. The first guy kept me on my toes. He threw me something I wasn't at all prepared for. I had to switch gears, and I did. I've done it enough times. I do my best to listen to people. Usually because I'm actually interested. That's what I ask, what I'm interested in. I didn't want a repeat of the first interview, so the second time around, I stuck to the basics. The first one probably turned out better, but the second one went much more smoothly. I'm happy they're over. I'm not happy that I have to go back to the tape. I'm going to hate how it turns out.

I was so busy preparing, I didn't have time to get lunch. Plus, I was waiting for the phone call to listen to the album, which was two hours late. There wasn't time. I went to the sports bar and had a big dinner instead--fries, shrimp and a turkey/cheddar on sourdough. It was good enough. Afterwards, I went out and drank a couple post-work cocktails at this converted townie bar. There was some tweaker drama going on. Some poor man in a wheelchair was there. I'm not sure what was wrong with him, but he wanted to leave, I think, and they were having problems finding a cab company with a working van. He was surrounded by these two older women, who seem to be drunk and spun. This businessman sitting next to me and his high-class girlfriend seemed outraged by the scene and kept trying to call whatever car service they could to get the dude in the wheelchair home to his caregiver. Before she left, one of the tweaker women cursed out someone at the bar for using the word "fuck"--though she had no problem using it herself--and ordered a kamikazee, a Bud light and a 7-Up or something. The whole scene was really depressing, and the bar was empty, so there was nothing else to get distracted by. I slammed two rum and cokes and left. I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Erratic Prophet said...

I so better get to read that interview. Or interviews.

Michelle said...

Hope the headache has gone :)


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