Wednesday, September 21, 2005

the return of purpose

There's half a joint in an ashtray on my kitchen table. It's been there, I'd imagine, for quite some time, but I just noticed it in the middle of last week while I was cleaning up my house. I haven't smoked it yet, but I think about it from time to time. It'd be good for me, I think, to get a little high, but I don't know if I want the hassle. And anyway, I have all the escapism I need.


I have to say, I wasn't overly impressed with the first episode. There was a lot of time off there during the summer, and this wasn't as earth-shattering and jaw-dropping as I'd hoped. Maybe I'm just irked that The Kate and Dreamy Asian Woman. didn't get a good share of screen time. They focused on Dr. Jack, who's clearly our hero, and one day, I hope to grow up and be just like him.

Still, I get the feeling there will be more episodes in season two than there were in season one, and I figure they're working toward something. There were enough seeds planted in this first episode thwt will keep me glued to the screen every Wednesday at 9 PM--except for next Wednesday when I go to see Nine Inch Nails and Queens of the Stone Age (my socks are already rocked). Of course, LOST will be taped and devoured as soon as I return home.

Tonight was a good time. A couple people came over with an ample supply of Guinness and I ordered a large pizza. Mmm...

I lingered on Invasion for a while, but quickly got bored. LOST is like smoking crack and anything else is like going back to whippets--unless it's starring Jennifer Garner.

Luckily, I had other options, the top one being Heathers. I can't remember the last time I saw this movie. When I was in high school, Christian Slater made me want to wear a trench coat and shamble through the halls with a sinister, misanthropic grin; because clearly, I was so much better than everyone else. Did it win an Oscar for something? It probably should have. It's cool watching it now, because it really feels timeless. God. People suck.

Tomorrow I get to interview Annie Hardy from Giant Drag. Interviewing bands I like is actually less preferable to interviewing those I could care less about. I end up trying too hard. I'm hoping by tomorrow afternoon, I'm too burned out on writing these things to care.


Erratic Prophet said...

Heathers is definitely on my top ten movies list. I used to have that entire thing memorized line for line. It greatly annoyed my friends.

And, uh, I had a black trench coat and a misanthropic smirk-- because I'm the queen of smirking.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I've still never seen more than promos for Lost. I was completely lost (forgive the pun) during the opening sequence to the Skins Cowboys game last Monday until the blond explained "we're the cast from Lost." It took me a moment to put together the whole plane crash thing.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i figured you had a black trenchcoat. you were a techie.

honestly, steve, i've seen every episode and i'm pretty lost myself.

Michelle said...

Oh great what a let down :( I thought the last episode of season one was a drag.....don't tell me the first of season 2 is as well.


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