Sunday, September 19, 2004

new body on the black market?

Lately, my eyes haven't been so good. I don't think all the screen watching I do is helping matters much, but it's part of my job. The last time I went to the optometrist, he told me that my eyes had gotten much worse since the time before; my eyesight was degenerating faster than it should be. Or at least, he said, that's how it seemed. He couldn't be sure since that was the first visit I had to him. He said there's the possibility that I have something congenital. If that was the case, he said, there wasn't anything they could do. This wasn't the best news, of course. I went to the eye doctor two years ago, which is about how often you're supposed to go, I think. I probably just need new glasses, but times like now I start to worry.

I've had to wear glasses since the third grade. When I first started wearing them, I don't think there was such a thing as contacts. Once the lenses became more accessible, I still couldn't wear them because they didn't make them for people with astigmatism. Now they do, I guess, but I'm so squeamish and protective of my eyes, I don't think I'd be able to bring myself to shove lenses in them. The last time I was at the eye doctor, he couldn't even get drops in there. At one point, I grabbed his wrist like it was a reflex to keep him from putting the drops in there. I felt bad about it. He stopped after that. I don't know why I get so protective; it's not like they work very well or anything. I take my glasses off and everything's a big blur. Sometimes, I can't even make out faces. It's very frustrating for me, because I hate having to depend on anything. At least I finally have health insurance, so I can go to the optometrist. I should probably make an appointment. The last time I went cost me well over 400 bucks, with any luck, this time will be much more affordable.

I had two really weird dreams last night: one involved Kate Beckinsale in an over-sized silk bathrobe, which, now that i think about it, really wasn't all that weird, but the other involved my boss and I playing guitar in my parent's backyard. He was playing chords and I was trying to riff off of him, and it sounded fine to me--nothing spectacular--but one of my female co-workers was there, and she said that she thought it wasn't very good. My boss then replied that what we were playing kinda sucked. After that, I kept trying to play the jangly intro to "Today" by Smashing Pumpkins, which is really easy and in real life (not nutso dream world) I play all the time to warm up my fingers, or if I'm bored, even though I don't know the rest of the song. However, I couldn't do it. I tried changing picks--the one I was using was thin, and I'm usually more comfortable with a medium--but no matter how I struck the strings, I couldn't get it to sound right. I couldn't understand why it sounded fine when no one was around.

I guess that's a pretty easy dream to look into, but it's all the little details thatI think are really batty.

Today was a boring day, and I really didn't do much of anything, though I did take a walk downtown to hang out at the video store. I had a couple of beers with the owner and watched an Italian horror movie as people on their way to the bars stumbled in. There was a concert at a local independent record store, and I thought about stopping in, but I didn't feel like being a part of 'the scene' tonight. It was remarkably cool weather wise today, and it seems like summer really is on its way out. There was a autumn kind of bite to the breeze, and yesterday, I even saw clouds. I almost can't wait till it starts raining. It's been about five months. Of course, after the second straight month, I'll be pretty fucking sick of it.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Some fun facts:

1. You should visit your eye doctor yearly!
2. I, too, have been wearing glasses since the 3rd grade.
3. I actually needed glasses in the 2nd grade, but no one believed me when I said I needed them because my friend had gotten glasses that year. They thought I was a copy cat.
4. It used to take two nurses and one doctor to hold me down and pry my eyes open to put eye drops in.
5. The first time I put in contacts, it took at least one hour to get it in the first eye. My eyes were pretty red and irritated by the end from poking them so much. I cried when they told me to take them out.
6. Contact lenses were thought up in the 1500s, but never actually made until the late 1800s by a glassblower.
7. Those lenses were used to protect a deceased's eyes.
8. The very next year contact lenses were made for the living by physiologist A.E. Fick, but they hurt like hell.
9. Plastic lenses were made in the '30s, soft lenses in the '50s.
10. I'm addicted to google and I am a wonder killer.


Life, as it happens.
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