Sunday, September 26, 2004

social sickness

Around dinner time today, I realized that there was the possibility that I may be coming down with a cold. I was hoping I'd hop in the shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, and vanquish any doubts of illness, but as I walked downtown to go to the bars, my fears seemed to be coming true. I don't feel bad right now mind you--probably because I'm drunk--but I feel that vague out-of-body-ness that could be attributed to being sick.

I really don't have the time to be sick. Luckily, all I have to do tomorrow is lay in bed and watch football, but I know I'll still feel like shit on Monday. I'm already taking precautions--there's this herbal immune system booster I take when I start to feel shitty, and while that doesn't really make me feel any better, it helps me burn through whatever nastiness is residing in my body ASAP. I'm not one of those herbal people, mind you, I'll take a good drug like codeine any day over some wimpy herbal supplement, but for the longest time, I didn't have health insurance, and since I couldn't afford prescription drugs or doctor visits, I had to do whatever necessary not to get really sick, which, given my poor financial standing, would lead to certain death. I'm being overdramatic, but it was kinda scary knowing that if ever I had to have something medically treated, I would simply have to just suck it up and die. I have insurance now, which is nice, but paying for it makes me too broke to be afford to go to the doctor. It's funny how life works out like that.

To compensate for possible illness, I decided to double up on the liquor tonight in hopes that the alcohol would kill anything that might be trying to set up shop inside me. I don't think it worked. The light headed sick-i-ness combined with the liquid succor left me rather woozy for my walk home, and in all honestly, I don't know how I made it back here. I sang "Better Son/Daughter" almost the whole way and whistled during the parts I didn't know the words to, and quickly quieted whenever someone on a bike passed by, because I'm not a good singer.

The bar was fun. I saw one of my favorite local bands, and they rocked the place right. I know I'm going to feel like shit in the morning, but my head feels like it's 200 pounds, so I should probably go to bed. I probably should have stayed in, but I know it wouldn't have made much of a difference anyway. Sometimes, you're just going to get sick, I guess, and perhaps I spread whatever bug I had to a packed bar full of unsuspecting patrons. Sorry, everyone.

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