Monday, January 23, 2006

today's tom sawyer

That's the creek at the end of my block. I just wanted to put it in some kind of perspective. I took the picture with my cell phone at right around sunset. Further in the background of that photo is where homeless people have set up a kind of encampment. There used to be a lot more living along the banks and there's still a lot of clothes, liquor bottles and things of that nature that have been discarded along either side of the creek. I doubt the homeless people left all of it though, as I'm thinking that people who live in the surrounding neighborhood also dump shit there figuring that everyone else will just blame the homeless. There's one tent that has been there for a while, and I know there's two guys who live in it. For living under a tarp on the side of a creek, it looks like a pretty nice set up. It gets cold here and all, but never that bad, and night time in the summer is just about perfect once the humidity burns off by the middle of July. Plus, since this is a college town, this place is prime for dumpster diving. We're talking quality stuff that's barely four years old. I've seen rich people circling dumpsters in the more upscale college apartment complexes. Anyway, I'm not trying to romanticise being homeless. I know it sucks, but what I am saying is that if you are homeless, you could do worse than living here. Unfortunately, the town's not as pleasant for those of us who do have homes, and with the wages you can make here, I'm pretty sure that you can make a better living asking for change downtown.

I did just about as little today as I did yesterday, so I'd rather not bore myself with the details. I decided to keep myself busy, though, in an attempt to fight off the doldrums, and it worked. I cleaned and vacuumed my room, put my clothes away and vacuumed the living room and the area around my computer, also. Riveting, I know. But I am listening to the new Concretes album right now, and it's really good. It's happy and suicidal and happy about being suicidal. It's called In Colour and I think it comes out in the States in March.

Other than football (it was nice to see the Seahawks win their first conference title), I watched a couple of movies: Ocean's Twelve, which I liked better than I thought I would; and Two Days in the Valley, which was pretty uneven, but there were parts I really liked. I think it was Charlize Theron's first major role or something, and they had her all done up like a giant, Swedish Bond girl. It was pretty dope, plus she gets into a nasty catfight with Terry Hatcher (who was all young and stuff). But that's not the only parts I liked. Promise.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Is the new album all funeral calliope music? Is it a foot-sniffing good time? IS IT?!


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