Tuesday, January 31, 2006

gross oversight

I think the first time I heard this album was at the end of 2003, to be honest. I had some super early advance and I don't think the person who sent it to me knew when or if it'd be out. I was convinced that it came out in 2004, and it kinda did, but I guess the official release date was March 2005. I could be wrong about some of that. The memory's fuzzy, but I do know that I've loved Regina Spektor for quite some time now, and since Soviet Kitsch officially came out in 2005, it belongs on my 2005 best of list. Even though I don't have the album anymore. I lost the advance. Anyway, she makes me warm and fuzzy. It's probably the best album that kinda did but kinda didn't come out last year. As if making best of lists wasn't geeky enough, I've had to make up an addendum.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Stupid amazon. It said 2004 even though I was sure it was 2005 so she didn't go on the list. And she so would've been on the list. How many times do you get to hear what Tori Amos's and Bjork's love child would sound like?


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