Wednesday, November 17, 2004

stupid cable modem

I don't know what the deal is. My cable modem works, then it doesn't, then it does, then it doesn't again. Right now it does--obviously. But I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. It's been a neverending saga since I got the damn thing, and I'd get DSL if it wasn't so shitty.

Ah well.

I got on the computer earlier with something to say, but now after a good hour and a half of Pimp My Ride, I don't remember what it was. It definitely wasn't important.

Watching Austin Stevens battle a 17-foot long anaconda had to be the funniest thing I'd seen all day. They edited it in such a way that it looked like he was chasing the thing down as it darted down the river. It would cut to the snake swimming, then to Austin running with a purpose, then back to the snake, and so on and so forth until Austin pounced on the fucking thing. That's when it got more fun. He was wrestling with this monster, and then it took him down under water, and then there was nothing. Just ominous music--assumingly produced by some denizen of the Amazon. Suddenly, Austin appears from the water with this thing hoisted high over his head like the Stanley Cup or something, and then there's this Matrix-y multi camera effect for no god damn reason, and it was fucking awesome. It's hard to explain, but I was hooting and hollering the whole time. He may be my favorite nature show host of all time, not that I've put a lot of thought into it...

After Austin encountered and photographed the big snake, which is what he's after on every show--there's some big snake somewhere and he simply has to risk his life in order to get it all pissed off and take photos of it; to each his own, I guess--he then reflected on his journey. All quiet sitting on the bow of his house boat with his own voice over recounting his many trials and travails. I don't know why, but it's the coolest thing ever. Just watch it.


Erratic Prophet said...

Dude, remember when I was in Memphis and was having the same problem with my cable? It was the cable company's fault. Hound their asses. Make them come over and check everything. You shouldn't be having interrupted service.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

you're right. i shouldn't have my service interrupted. and hell yeah it'll be great when we all have free broadband service! i'll do an ashlee simpson jig when that happens.


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