Monday, November 15, 2004

molotov cocktail

Somehow, the mix of alcoholic substances I consumed last night didn't turn Sunday into a miserable pain fest. I drank Bacardi and cokes, a few beers, some girly shots, a shot of Southern Comfort, and God knows what else, and I woke up at 10am this morning feeling oddly refreshed. Like I'd just worked out at the gym or something. Perhaps it was the late night waters that saved my ass. Or maybe that I was actually drinking good stuff last night and not the usual cheap well crap. Either way, today was a lovely relaxing shindig.

I heated up the last of my Chinese food. That stuff just lasts forever. It's like everytime you go back to the fridge, it's multiplied or something. I went to see my roommate in his play, and that was fun. Afterwards I met up with his parents who ended up footing the bill for my dinner, and that was really cool.

I don't know what set me off, but I've really wanted to write lately, so once I got home from dinner, I went straight to the laptop and got a'typing. I've been thinking of writing scripts lately, so that's what I did. I don't really know how to write a script, but I think they're more condusive to the way my mind works, at least creatively. I've tried the whole book/story type thing, and I did okay at that, I think. I just really want to tell a story through pictures. I've always had, and the book thing was kind of a personal compromise I made, since I wouldn't have to work with anyone but myself. I really don't want to work that way though. I love to collaborate, and even though I don't have anyone to collaborate with, I'm really not going to worry about that. I've written a couple of one act plays--that were all really bad--and things of that nature, but I've never really tried to write a script, and it keeps coming up as a suggestion. It's time to stop being lazy about it.

Dialog and images are what really excite me I guess. All the book back talk and description gets too heavy handed, and I get myself stuck on the details. I'm never able to portray the image I have in my head properly. Anyway, I figured I'd give it a shot, so that when it sucks and I ditch the idea, I can say I gave it a try. I have a group of scenes that are really bright in my head right now, and I thought I'd be able to do one page a day until it was done and see how it turns out. I hope it doesn't make me want to vomit. I'm not sure how long a script is supposed to be. I think over 100 pages unless I'm mistaken, but if I stay true to my one page a day, I can get a draft done in a few months. It's a nice thought anyway.

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