Sunday, November 07, 2004

the after party

After the movie, I had my roommate drop me off at the local watering hole where I bumped into my other roommate and some people at work. I knew they'd be there. I'm sure I bitched about Saw to someone. I hung out for a bit. Nothing special. There's this one lady I keep seeing out at the bar, and I don't know who she is, but she's totally groovy. There's something about cold weather that makes me horny. I know...too much information...Anyway, I was talking to someone who she ended up talking to during the conversation, and we exchanged all of four words. Scream!

There was talk of an "after party." Rumor had it, it was across town and that they would be tapping a keg at 2am. That was the rumor. Groovy lady had heard about it; so had the local legend I was speaking to when Groovy lady came over. My roommate was really drunk, but I heard him screaming about it...somewhere. Other word came in that this kegger was at a different location, but that too was unconfirmed. We hung out in front of the local watering hole for a good half-hour, which in and of itself is an interesting night out, until my roommate said, let's go. I figured, why not, and tagged along. On the way, we bumped into a group of very nice looking girls all bundled up. My drunk roommate started talking to them and asking them if they were going to this "after party." The said no, but they were giving away HOT CHOCOLATE! in the park. HOT CHOCOLATE?! I was so there. We staggered into the park--I had a nice buzz myself--and sure enough, there were people giving away hot chocolate. Just giving it away! It was instant, and the water wasn't exactly hot, but it was a lot warmer than the temperature outside, so I made myself a cup. That's when I noticed people playing songs about God, which is cool. I have no problem with God, even if our president says the two of them are buddies. I asked one of the women standing there what the deal was and if they were out there all the time and she may have given me a straight answer, but I wasn't really paying attention. She also didn't tell me what organization they were with. I was really just trying to make sure there weren't ruffies in my cocoa.

It was at that time that I realized my roommate had wandered off back toward the local watering hole, which was the opposite direction of this fabled kegger. I caught up with him and we decided just to head home. No one was out in front of the local watering hole any more...even Groovy lady had gone away.

On the way to the house, we'd bumped into that group of girls who'd told us about the hot cocoa. They were talking about Krispy Kremes or something. I was nice and toasty buzzed; my roommate was still rather drunk. The head girl said something about church and 6am; I said I'd be very much asleep, but told them to keep warm and thanked them for the hot cocoa. My roommate and I headed off, and I said something about the cocoa being spiked. He said it was spiked with the Lord.

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