Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i normally wouldn't do this, but...

Chances are, if you're reading this, you can get a pretty good idea of who I am. I used to get these questionaire e-mails from my friends with questions like "What's your favorite smell?" but really, if any of them wanted to know such a thing (and I'm not sure why they would) they could've just asked me. They didn't have to waste my time (and theirs) with some formulaic profile e-mail.

And if you're curious, my favorite smell is a toss up between fresh-baked bread and fabric softener.

So, I don't do memes, because this blog is basically a meme, albeit an extremely disorganized one. However, I was asked nicely, and this one seems more open to interpretation than most rather than asking questions like "Are you a dog person or a cat person?" (I prefer dogs.)

10 years ago: I was an unfortunately arty fellow still reeling from the suicide of Kurt Cobain and I'd just started smoking weed, which made me even more unfortunately arty. I'm sure I had it in my head that I was going to be a big writer or something equally as pretentious. I played guitar a lot, too. I even took lessons. I was never particularly good, but I wasn't particularly bad, either. I did my best not to let anyone hear me play. I smoked cigarettes, stayed up all night and couldn't believe that I was starting college and hadn't even published my first novel yet. And there was a girl who treated me like shit. And I thought I loved her.

5 years ago: I'd finally almost graduated college and working at a comic book store. I was, like, 23 and I was neither married nor a published novelist. I only had two years before my self-imposed deadline for doing either or both was up and I would have to join a monastery. I watched a lot of TV, especially late at night; spent way too much time on the Internet; smoked a lot of cigarettes; and unfortunately close to ending my very comforting relationship with marjuana.

one year ago: Marijuana and cigarettes have been replaced by ample quantities of alcohol. After five years at the comic book store, and neither a novelist, husband nor monk, I'd since moved from the city I thought I'd live and die in (I'm still going to die there) to a ridiculously cozy and friendly college town in California. Here, I became a graduate school dropout and a published music/entertainment writer and eventually a full-time editor. I still write, too. And I got to sit on a couch with Rilo Kiley's Jenny Lewis. We both had a beer. Hers had a lemon in it. I even made her laugh once. I put that as one of my life's highlights, and while that might not seem like much, considering I'm actually getting paid to do what I love to do and getting to write about things I genuinely love, I'm not complaining.

yesterday: I saw a really bad B-movie and drank a beer with some friends. I worked real late, too. And had really good won ton soup from my favorite Chinese restaurant.

today: I worked late and had a rum and coke while watching Average Joe. Afterwards, I went to a bar with my roommate and our landlord. We got pretty drunk. I'll write more about that later.

tomorrow: I'm taking a flight down to San Diego because I have to go to the Comic-Con, interview a band and go to a concert (all for work so I don't have to pay), but I don't have to do all that till Thursday. With any luck, by afternoon tomorrow, I'll be drinking a beer on a beach in Mexico. Just like one of those Corona commercials. That sounds really nice.

Uh...I think that's enough. I'm getting lazy and my buzz is wearing off. Plus, I'd planned to write a letter to Anna.


Erratic Prophet said...

Oh, man.. I forgot about my stoner days. I blame all of my fried brain cells.

Michelle said...

Mexico? You lucky bastard, have a beer for me!


Life, as it happens.
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