Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I'm sick of the son and heat. I'm sick of my skin feeling like a damp sponge. I hate the stiffling pressure of the air. It's not going to rain until November. It seems like forever away.

After Average Joe--unfortunately, the season ends tomorrow, and though tonight was full of drama, my final missive to Anna will have to wait one more day--it was time to go drink with the women's soccer team my roommate plays on. I had to stay at work until about 7:30pm, so I could get home in time for my show, of course, so I missed the game, but I was happy to hear that they won 10-2 in my absence. Maybe I'm a bad luck charm for them or something.

I hadn't eaten though, not since lunch, and the heat caused me to make short work of those little rum and cokes in the tiny little glasses. Sure, I like the alcohol, but it was the ice that I was after, and I emptied each glass trying to cool down.

After that, we were off to another bar, where the spicy bean from my friend's bloody Mary nearly set my stomach to explode. I don't understand how or why people drink those things. I understand they have some witch-doctor-like medicinal quality, but that hardly seems worth the effort. It's like a liquified salad with hot sauce and vodka. But I do like watching people make them. Our bartender, one of my favorites in town, fixes them up real good. I always marvel at the bizarre mixture of ingredients. It serves as proof that human beings are capable of just about anything. Worcestershire sauce in a cocktail? Whodathunkit?


Erratic Prophet said...

I've never had a Bloody Mary. It just seems wrong. Against nature. I don't go for savory drinks.

Did I tell you that they're selling Godiva liqueur at my food store now? Every time I pass it, I whimper.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Bloody Marys strike me as natural and normal. Cocktails with chuncks of fruit in them bother me. My friend tried to make Sangria once, but he started with a jug of Sangria instead of red wine. It already had sugar in it. He added fruit punch and chunked peaches and mangoes. Most foul. Syrup from hell.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

i have to agree. i don't even like lemon or lime wedges in my drinks.


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