Tuesday, July 19, 2005

on the road. again.

Usually my life isn't that interesting. I spend a good portion of my days as inert as a stone. I gather moss. However, the next few months, I'll be practically jet setting and cosmopolitan. Tomorrow, I have to go down to the city for another interview and photo shoot. This one should be a lot easier--in and out. I even really like the band I'm talking to. The only catch is I have to be awake around 6am. I know people do this all the time. I, however, am not one of those people.

Still, it will be nice to get something done early. Done and out of the way. Then I get to spend the rest of the day in the damp, cool Bay, out of the oppressive valley heat. I don't even want to see our PG&E bill when it comes in. We've been running the central air constantly. My room is the smallest and it's like an icebox. I keep the door closed, the window closed and the ceiling fan on. I have to use blankets, which is good, because I can't sleep without them.

I have to write more about the trip to San Diego, but one of the cooler moments was when I was hanging out with my friends and three-day innkeepers and talking about the different elements that it requires for us to get to sleep. We all agreed that blankets are the most crucial--more for the weight than anything else--and we also agreed that inebriation renders all these elements null and void; under the influence of alcohol, we could fall asleep on hot coals. But that's pretty much where the similarities ended. My list of requirements was pretty severe. I need a cold pillow, warm bed, cold room and some kind of background noise to get to sleep. I keep flannel sheets on my bed year-round. Even now when the temperature creeps toward the boiling point.

I'm not sleepy now. even though I have to get up so early, but I'm hoping this large bottle of 7.7% beer will change things soon. But I'm never going to get to sleep if I keep typing.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

In winter, I definitely need the warm bed, cool pillow combo. The blanket is there year 'round. In the summer, though, I need cool bed and cool pillow or I can't sleep.

I always need a cool room and background noise, but I can't have anything blowing on me-- fan or a/c-- or I get sick-- like I am right now. Stupid a/c.


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