Tuesday, August 16, 2005

the far too fresh feeling

I'm starting to get the aching suspicion that I'm wearing anti-perspirent that's strong enough for a man, but made for a woman. I ran out of roll-on a couple days ago, but I didn't fear because there was a spare in my medicine cabinet. It had been left there, unused, I assume by a previous roommate. It was the same brand as the last one I had, so I thought everything was cool. Now, I notice that the more I sweat, the more flowery I smell. My nostrils are full of a fresh fragrance, though pleasant, is quite foreign and perhaps better suited for the fairer sex. Perhaps that "it smells like someone's wearing perfume" comment earlier this morning really did have something to do with me.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...


You sure do smell purty.


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