Monday, August 08, 2005

dinner in the dark

Finally. We finished the magazine. I'm a nervous wreck that the whole thing's fucked up, but I'm glad I don't have to look at it for a few days (until we get the proofs). Honestly, I don't want to see it ever again.

Afterwards, I went out to dinner with a coworker and an old roommate. We went to Olive Garden. I hate Olive Garden, but I was going for the company more than the food. And work had sentenced me to the downtown area for so long, it was nice to see someplace different. They sat us in the back underneath a fixture that didn't work. The waiter apolgized for the darkness. I didn't really care because I was starving, but honestly, I wondered if they stuck us there because we were all wearing T-shirts with heavy metal bands on them.

The food was as expected. Their sauce is pretty bland, pasta bleh, chicken cutlet parmeggiana kinda like chicken tenders with bland sauce and mozzerella drizzled on top. As long as I remind myself that it's not really Italian food, I'm fine with it. It's edible, that's for sure, and I was so hungry, flavor was more of a side note.

I'm just happy this issue's over and done with. The editing process was even more trying this time around. I'm going to sleepwalk through the next two days and take the rest of the week off. On Friday, I get to go to LA to see a friend and watch the Mets play the Dodgers at Dodgers Stadium.

Over the time we were in production, I've been growing a beard. I was so preoccupied at first that I forgot to shave, like I often do, and then, after a while, I just figured I'd keep it going until we were done. I thought we were going to be done a week ago, so the thing's getting pretty thick. Thing is now, I kinda like it, so I'm not sure if I want to shave it. It's like a face cozy or something. Granted, it's the middle of the summer and it's been fucking hot as hell, but I'm still at a loss as to what to do with my prodigious gruff. Maybe I'll just shave it and grow it back when it's a bit colder out.


Erratic Prophet said...

I loathe faux Italian. How do these places become so popular?

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Welcome back to society.

Another reason to hate Olive Garden: they're set for for parties of six, max. Show with more, and it'll take them two hours to arrange seating, and then that'll be very cramped. (family outing, I would never choose OG)

Michelle said...

Doesn't it itch?

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