Saturday, August 14, 2004

wait...isn't that antarctica?

Summer blockbuster movies are always a tricky proposition. Even if they suck, the best way to view them is on the big screen. Tonight i had the misfortune of seeing Aliens vs. Predator or AvP but no matter what you want to call it, it blew. It's not like I was expecting all that much either--good times, ass-kicking aliens, explosions. But the movie was only rated PG-13, which cut down on the violence, and failed to deliver even the most mindless, drool-enducing thrills.

I'd break down the story, but there wasn't one. Instead there was all this talking by all these characters, none of whom were worth caring about, and entirely not enough fighting. The whole thing took place in Antarctica, which could have been cool by itself, but there was only one penguin--and even he seemed embarassed to be a part of this one.

When I got home, I watched The Perfect Score, which was much more entertaining, but I fell asleep at the end and didn't bother to go back and find out what happened. I'm guessing the characters all got what they wanted, even if it wasn't how they expected, and more ore less everything was all happily ever after. Scarlett Johannson's lips were impossibly full throughout, but unfortunately the sounds of my roommate having sex with his girlfriend ruined my Scarlett oggling. I swear that if I ever get laid in this house, I'll pound on the walls and holler like a madman just to make up for all the grunts, moans and slappy noises that I've had to put up with over the last few months.

I guess I'm just being bitter, but i think sex would occur far less if everyone had to hear other people doing it--well, maybe not.

i ate at the best restaurant in town today--a soulfood kitchen. It's this little hole in the wall, and the owners seem incapable of letting you leave with any room in your digestive tract. Since, I've felt like my insides were two sizes too big for my skin. It was so worh it, though. I have yet to find anything on this planet that's more satisfying than a good meal--certainly not AvP.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Were they at the Holiday Inn in Antarctica? Did they slowly freeze to death with that one penguin staring at them apathetically? Maybe that would've perked the movie up a bit. Penguins are movie gold, my friend!

Roommate revenge. Sprinkle cayenne on his condoms. Speaking of spice, did you bring me my dirty rice?

Wee! Lookie! I'm a poet.


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