Thursday, August 19, 2004

save us save us save us save us

Soon, we're to move out of our office to another location, because they're building a swanky hotel in the building we're currently next to, and the owner has sold the space we now occupy to the hotel for some disputed purpose. Some say ballroom, some say conference room. Whatever the reason, in a month or so's time, we'll be somewhere else, and it won't really matter anyway. Right now they have scaffolding on the small raised alley between my window and the skeletal hotel. Workers scurry back and forth on the platform all day and call out to each other. It makes me feel like I have an office in the lower levels of Mordor, without the chanting.

I met Ash for lunch today, which turned out to be my only meal of the day. I really need to go food shopping. Lunch was nice. I tried to pass down wisdom about post-graduation life. I don't really have any wisdom, but some people look at me like I do, and she's one of them. I don't mind. It makes me feel important. She's moving back to her hometown on Friday, and I'm sure I'll be torn up about it. Good thing there's a show that night that's required attendance, so I should be able to get really drunk and forget about it. I'd be really torn up if I thought I'd never see her again, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I'm just getting tired of saying good bye to people, though the farewell parties are always fun.

School's almost back in session, and it's nice not to see the same ten people out all the time. There are plenty of new faces, which is nice, because I don't have to say hello to them all. It's easier to shuffle into the crowd when the students get back, though as new young faces appear, i'm reminded that it was a decade ago that I was in their shoes. It's funny because it seems longer than that.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

Dammit! Now I need to listen to The Unicorns.. Eeeeeeeeeevil!


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