Friday, February 02, 2007

i'm glad i've lived long enough to see the '90s come back

I listen to tons of new and exciting music everyday, but when I want to put on something, to rock out to, I'm usually just listening to my old copy of REM's Monster or Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness or Dinosaur Jr.'s Bug or something else that labels me as a old rock has-been. I'm fine with that. Sometime in 2005, there was something of a "grunge renaissance," at least that's how it was dubbed by people like me (I didn't do so personally), with bands like Giant Drag (awesome) and Nine Black Alps (not nearly as awesome) playing songs with a bit of the grunge aesthetic. People like me (who are well known and way better paid) called it nu-grunge (with an umlaut over the first "u," not to be confused with nu(umlaut)-metal, which was really, really terrible). I was kinda stoked, even though nothing really came of it, and I think I'm the only one who has the Giant Drag album.

Anyway, Silversun Pickups are new and good and take me back to a happier time when I was way more depressed. My co-worker told me that they had a video, which she said was kind okay, but she really liked the song. I looked it up today because I'd rather not work and noticed it had a striking resemblance to the video for "Dirty Boots" by Sonic Youth--and by striking I mean completely identical. Deja vu isn't so bad as long as it's rocking.

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