Tuesday, January 09, 2007

bud light for dinner

The last two days have been filled with home and garden magazines, wedding guides, searching for images of Quetzalcoatl and writing someone's engagement announcement. I've done a lot of work--editing, phone calling, e-mailing. I find it best to throw myself into things after the holidays so I don't get bummed out. Unfortunately, our e-mail server's down, and my torrent of productivity hit a violent snag. I was so close to getting everything I wanted done today, but it's going to have to wait till tomorrow. I just proofed an article about framing and picking the perfect frame and matting while listening to In the Aeroplane over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel and spilled a quarter can of Bud Light on my desk.

But, you know, that's why they invented paper towels, and I found this on YouTube.

And this afternoon, when I finally rolled into the office, someone sent me this: Beauty is nothing without brains


Erratic Prophet said...

Awesome song! Awesome album! Picking the perfect frame and matting? Are you Martha Stewart now?

We need to do something about those comment icons. They bother me now.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back. I miss your updates.

All the wedding guide and editing engagement announcements is only preparing you for october.


Michelle said...

LMFAO @ You Tube!! The look on the chicks face after she tells the bimbo its a library....priceless :o)

Welcome back J!

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

r- I'm much more housebroken than Martha Stewart, and I've never been in prison.

s- Yes, it's getting me ready for October, and March, and April, and everyone I know should stop getting married.

Michelle- I really liked that clip too. Fun stuff.


Life, as it happens.
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