Friday, April 14, 2006


The stegosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that roamed the earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods from 206 to 65 million years BCE. That's a fucking long time ago. Still, the stegosaurus' influence is still seen today. It was believed, somewhat erroneously, that this majestic creature had two brains: a bitty one in its head, and a larger one in its pelvis, right where its bum would be. As it turned out, its butt brain was really a nerve junction in the spinal column. Though not a brain it a traditional sense, this junction probably had some dominion over the stegosaurus' tail.

We can see the vestiges of this primitive beast in a much more sophisticated and magnificent creature. While the tail of the stegosaurus was used for battle and defense, employing its four-spiked tail as a lethal weapon, the specimen in the video below uses its powers for much more pleasant pursuits.

Note: the shapely hips and firm buttocks seem to move on their own accord, slashing and swaying to the lusty rhythm. As you can see, nature has a plan for all of us. There's no way we can say where hind quarters shimmying will go in the future, but its fascinating to see how far it has come. We thank you stegosaurus, most noble beast.

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