Tuesday, April 11, 2006

common people

Food shopping. My home is full of various meats and foodstuffs. I spent like 80 bucks. So far, I've had milk for cereal, and I made myself ravioli and meatballs. And it came out pretty damn good. I had some meat mixture left over so I fashioned it into a makeshift meatloaf, which I will gnaw on tomorrow at lunch. I think I'll come home for lunch. That sounds like a nice idea.

I've been getting really distracted lately. One of the reasons why I haven't been writing down in this thing so much. I've been forgetting to do the little things like pay my bills and all that jazz. And just typing that sent me to pay my Master Card. Maybe this thing is actually good for something.

Anyway, I cooked and watched 24 for the first time in three or four weeks. It's an easy show to pick up again. They lay everything out really easy and kind of brow beat you with the main points. All you have to remember is Jack this and President that and wait for the explosions. I really like Chloe, though, because she makes the best faces. It was a pretty good episode, if not somewhat anticlimactic. I also had to run back to the oven a few times to check on my meatloaf.

Afterwards, I caught some special on E! about "kept men," who are men who get hooked up with a ridiculously rich female celeb and/or billionaire heiress and basically just live on the mooch. It was very inspiring and really compelled me to practice my meatloaf making skills. Hopefully, one day they'll be good enough to snag me a pop star and I can get Rogaine and grow my new head of hair into corn rows like K-Fed. Any female celebrity reading this, please take note: I won't cost you as much as Federline. You won't have to buy me a Ferrari or nothing. I'll even cook. And cameras freak me out, so you'll always be front and center. Where you belong. You look hot in that dress. Hot.

And then I watched Domino with Keira Knightley and some other people (Mickey Rourke and Mo'nique (!!!)). My interest ebbed and flowed for this one, though it definitely had its moments. And in one scene, Ms. Knightley got topless and you could see her boobies, proving good things can come in small packages.

But other than the starlet fan service, there were some interesting themes--a lot of which went over my head, I think, or maybe I'm just giving them too much credit--and strong character development. I probably would've thought it a great movie if True Romance and Natural Born Killers weren't already made, like 10 years ago. Still, it was slick, stylish and very cleverly written (I liked a lot of the dialog), though sometimes it smacked me upside the head too much with the stylish. There were more shots packed into this movie than I think any movie of the same length ever, which didn't do much for my recent bout with ADD, nor did it allow me to take a clear mental snapshot of the aforementioned boobies scene. Still, good job, very trippy and a nice acid-soaked soundtrack.

Though Domino isn't really a true story, it's based on a real person, Domino Harvey, who was an actual model/rich girl-turned-bounty hunter. I checked out the short documentary about her in the special features after the movie. I guess she just died of a heart attack last year, but seemed to live quite a life for only 35 years. Still, not to talk smack about a dead person, but there was one person who commented about her (granted, this wasn't a direct quote from Harvey herself). He was asked, I suppose, why someone of such an affluent background (her mother was a model and her father a famous actor) would want to be a bounty hunter in the roughest streets of Los Angeles, and the commentor said that she liked to be around poor people and experiencing the kinds of struggles she never could in her own life. That kinda reminded me of a song written by Jarvis Cocker for the band Pulp called "Common People":

She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College
That's where I caught her eye
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola
She said "fine"
And then in 30 seconds time she said
"I want to live like common people
I want to do whatever common people do
I want to sleep with common people
I want to sleep with common people like you"
Well what else could I do?
I said "I'll see what I can do"
I took her to a supermarket
I don't know why
but I had to start it somewhere
so it started there
I said "pretend you've got no money"
but she just laughed
and said "oh you're so funny"
I said "Yeah
Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here
Are you sure
you want to live like common people
you want to see whatever common people see
you want to sleep with common people
you want to sleep with common people like me?"
But she didn't understand
she just smiled and held my hand

There's more to it than that, but I really like that song. I thought it was kinda fitting, not so much for what she did, I guess, but for what that guy said about what she did. I think I had a point, but I'm already losing focus. If any one has that song, I'd love to download it from you. Because I'm broke. And I'm not smiling.


Michelle said...

I like Chloe too, she's so neurotic LOL. How you doing with LOST J, keeping up?

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

LOST is pretty much the center of my life, Michelle. How I plan out my week depends upon whether or not there is a new episode. I've been keeping up and it's been AWESOME. It starts off slow, but I think you'll really like season 2.


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