Friday, March 17, 2006

very well preserved

Today R alerted me to the fact that ridiculously gorgeous and sexy and gorgeous Victoria's Secret model Adriana has managed to maintain her virtue, and will continue to do so until after she's married. I suppose R alerted me to such a thing because, really, the only news that is of any consequence to me is news that concerns ridiculously gorgeous and sexy and gorgeous Victoria's Secret models...and, like, stuff about dumb indie bands that no one's ever heard of.

I'd imagine it'd be difficult for a woman that beautiful to get anyone to have sex with her, anyway. I think a simple "hello" or an accidental glance from Adriana Lima would put me in desperate need of a handi-wipe. And a body like that shouldn't be sullied by sweaty mortal hands. For the sake of the gene pool, I think we as a species should have a say over who she's allowed to breed with so we can ensure that future generations will be blessed with the poutiest of lips, the smokiest of eyes and tannest of flesh. For the good of mankind, of course.

In summation, I guess, that's one lucky dog, but y'know. not THAT lucky.

After a long day of work today, I filled my belly with some seriously yummy sushi. We went to this recently opened sushi bar, and the kid who makes the stuff--I'm not sure if he's old enough to drink--is really cool and is super enthusiastic about what he does. With the shitty weather and the kids being gone for spring break, me and my old roommate were the only two at the bar, so he gave us a rundown of what was good. We decided on a roll that we were too stuffed to try the last time (after eating it, I realize we just should have forced ourselves to eat it the last time too), we asked him to make us whatever he thought we'd like. He concocted this brutally spicy but addictive roll with fresh tuna and serano peppers on the inside topped with shrimp and avocado and served on a plate drizzled with thai chili sauce. It was HOT. I had no idea what the sauce was so I took one and dipped it in a glob of the stuff, and then popped it in my mouth. I drank just about half my draught of Sapporo in one shot, but damn it was good. To finish up, he made us two pieces of sushi that was salmon wrapped aroudn a ball of rice with this spicy mayo kinda sauce and diced scallops. It had a chunk of lemon on it too. It was a weird mix of all these different flavors and my brain was kinda confused. But in a good way.

I came home and vegged out and watched Crash for the first time. It was pretty powerful, but it didn't really tell much of a story. It was kinda episodic, but I thought it was good overall. It certainly wasn't the typical Oscar winner as I didn't get all those heartwarming, life affirming vibes that I'd expect, but it did have Tony Danza.


Erratic Prophet said...

Aren't you glad you have me around to filter through the news and give you only what passes muster? It's either that or I read way to much crap.

It's early, so that all made sense to me. Let's see if it stands the test of time.

Anonymous said...

hey, I'm back on an instant messanger, AIM. "Justm0j0" (the 0s are Zeros). I'm going to see if I can get on at work. Send me a message so I can add you


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I want you to write another post, and yet, at the same time I want that picture to stay on top forever.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

hahaha...i hear ya... i'm not dead. i've got a friend visiting now, but i'll be posting soon. i'm sure adriana will be back at some point in the future.

because i'm a pervert.

Michelle said...

I had the same opinion of Crash too. You can keep Tony Danza!


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