Thursday, March 16, 2006

my sincere sympathies

Korean Park Chan-wook is one of my favorite directors. His shit's pretty tight, though it can be sensational in the same way M. Night Shyamalan's work is. Still, the man (both of them, actually) knows how to put a film together. Tonight, I got to watch Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, which is the final part of the revenge trilogy that also included Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and the cross-over hit Oldboy (both of which, I believe, are getting the American remake treatment).

All three are worth a look, at the very least, but Lady Vengeance may be the finest of the bunch, because it's the one that's least dependent on the shock value or the surprise twist at the end. I don't want to go into it too much, but Lee Yeong-ae is captivating in the lead role, and Choi Min-sik (star of Oldboy) also clocks in with a crucial performance.

I'm a little drunk and very tired, so if you're reading this, you'll just have to trust me.

Just about everyone I know is out of town. Most of my coworkers are at South by Southwest in Austin, TX, and, since it's spring break, most of the students are gone, so the town is really empty. They'll all be back soon enough, though, and I'll once again be able to lose myself in the background noise. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I'd rather just leave it at that. Nothing caps off a stressful day better than a couple beers (and maybe a couple too many) and a good movie. Tomorrow, I hope, will be less hectic and much more productive.

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