Saturday, March 25, 2006

annie hardy thinks i'm cool. sorta.

It's been a while because I had a friend in town and I had to make a concerted effort to stay away from the computer. We went to Reno and San Francisco and the strip club north of town where I ended up spending a lot more money than I'd planned on because I'd won a few bucks in Reno and the girls were especially hot. Once they heard my friend was visiting from New York, they were on us like vultures on a rotting carcass. It was frightening and pretty fucking cool.

Yesterday, I heard from one of my coworkers who was at SxSW that he'd spotted Annie Hardy--of Giant Drag and on a lesser scale Counting Backwards' most posted female (with Jenny Lewis and Asia Argento close runners up)--after her band played a show at some club that I wasn't at because I was here in California working my ass off. I guess he'd told her who he was with and he said she remembered us and the interview and being on the cover and passed on a thank you and things of that nature. He said hello to her from me. That bit of news made me very, very happy, so I thought I'd share it. I stole that neato picture from Aaron Farley who can be reached at his Web site or his blog. I hope he doesn't mind the thievery. I spoke with Annie once in San Francisco, but the only thing I was able to muster up the courage to say was "You guys rocked." I'm a bit of a dork.

I'll be working all weekend and taking time out to choose players in my fantasy baseball draft (I've got the third pick!) and to go see girls in short skirts beat the shit out of each other at Roller Derby. I got a free ticket since my place of employment is a sponsor. Hopefully I won't be too stressed out to enjoy it.

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