Thursday, February 09, 2006

bonfire of the vanities

The cover of the Vanity Fair "Hollywood Issue" was brought to my attention, and I'd say my life is all the better for it. Even though Scarjo comes off as a bit of a skank, I am powerless against her disaffected attitude, husky voice, ginormous lips and lusicously bubbly girly parts. She also seems to work in super cool shit like Lost in Translation and The Perfect Score (I liked it! Okay?!) and her most thrift store indie-jocker film of all Ghost World (based on a COMIC) with fellow my other "cute girl who reads indie zines and maybe I'd see her drinking Pabst at a show" fetish I totally forgot her name, but I was up working till 6:30 am and I'm too fucking lazy to look it up. I think it begins with a t...Thora Birch. There.

If you'd like to see the whole cover and marvel in its miraculous milky skinned starlet glory, click here. Just kidding. Here. Also pictured is some lushly chesthaired and thankfully clothed dude and Keira Knightly who would probably be the most beautiful woman in the world if she didn't make that damn face all the time. What's up with that? Personally I think this is a lot better. But I have to give Keira and her fishy face a lot of credit, as they did end up inspiring one of the great heroes of modern times.


Erratic Prophet said...

I love Blue Steel! Everytime I do it, it never fails to get a laugh.

And that thankfully clothed dude is Tom Ford, Dahlink. He's a very famous designer and also very gay. He had to step in when Rachel McAdams freaked about the nudity and stepped out.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

god...rachel mcadams. that's all i'm gonna say about that.

first isaac mizrahi now this. gay dudes have all the fun.


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