Sunday, July 02, 2006

old friend

While I was home, I had a dream. (I don't like posting these, but this one stuck.):

I remember being ready to go and meet up with a relative, a cousin who babysat for me many times as I was growing up and took me and my sister to Coney Island on a few occasions. Later, when I became older, we smoked pot together and played Scrabble. She was very important in my life, but a feud has broken out between her side of the family and mine. The feud revolved around my grandmother's 100th birthday. I'm not sure what most of the drama was about. We're Sicilian and even if guns aren't being fired, vendettas are very real. I was already living in California when the shit went down, so I've been excluded by much of the bad sentiment. Clearly, I back my mom, sister and father, but since I'm so far removed from everything and only see everyone once in a while, I've been placed in a position of neutrality.

Where I was going to meet up with my cousin was sort of a mix between here (California) and there (New York) but it looked more like here than there. A very specific block here, actually, where there's a concert venue. I was to meet her in the apartments upstairs from there, which I've only been to once or twice. I was going to take my dog with me to meet her, but instead of taking my current dog, I decided to take my old one--a beloved member of the family who my grandmother always honors with a sign of the cross when his name is brought up--instead. He walked ahead of me like a guide.

I spoke with my cousin for a bit and told her my dog was happy to see her. I saw him wagging his tail. I told her this, and he licked her hand. I asked her if she could see him, but she said she couldn't. I think I mentioned that that was because he had died.

It was a good dream at the time, but thinking about it now makes me kinda sad.

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