Monday, July 24, 2006

i'm melting

MySpace is having some issues right now. Something about a power outage and their database going kaput. Maybe it's the terrorists (!!!). It doesn't matter what it is, though, all it's doing is keeping me away from my late night MySpace-ing rituals, which really just consist of various levels of Internet stalking. Last week, I left a drunk comment on a publicist's page--nothing weird. She asked me if I was drunk when I left it, and I said, "Yeah," and she said that the fact that I left it at 2:30am was her first clue. Snap! I told her I did a lot of drunk commenting that night, and I'm not really proud of that. I had a couple drinks tonight--a whiskey and a Guinness--but I'm far from drunk.

When MySpace is down, it puts up a little Flash-based Pac-Man game, which I play to remind myself that I was never any good at Pac-Man. Though, tonight, I got 24,000 in one game. That was nice.

Meanwhile, it's still way too fucking hot. I spoke with my parents over the phone on my porch at about 6pm and just sitting there talking got me greasy sweaty. It was gross. I'm not very happy with this town right now. I ended up making pasta, then went down town around 10pm for ice cream. I had a sundae with rocky road. On the roundabout walk home, I bumped into a co-worker and a bass player and that's where the whiskey and Guinness came into play. The bass player bought the whiskey, because I wouldn't do that to myself voluntarily. Later at the same bar, I ordered a water for the walk home and I ended up speaking with another coworker and her boyfriend. We chatted about Crater Lake in Oregon, which I've only seen from outside a plane window. But it looks fucking amazing. I really need to go on vacation.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

In exactly two weeks I will be headed down to the shore. Just thought you'd like to know. I'm nearly giddy with anticipation.


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