Thursday, December 22, 2005


Christmas shopping this evening was rather overwhelming, mostly because I was gunshy about my finances. I think I'm going to be alright though. I'm going to regroup and try again tomorrow. Me and my roommate H. went to Mervyn's because they were having some ridiculous sale. I hate buying clothes for people, because everyone's rather particular about what they wear, and I'm always worried I'll get the wrong size, so I ended up buying myself jeans--a nice pair of Levis--and a couple pairs of tacky Christmas boxers for my friend D. to go along with the tacky Christmas tie my sister bought him. It's got blinking lights and musical sounds and everything. That's dope. Almost as dope as this Nine Black Alps album I'm listening to over these crappy laptop speakers. Everything stores February in the States.

...Almost as dope as this Anchor Christmas Ale. Seriously, you've got until mid-January to find this stuff. It's bringing a tear to my eye.

I know that it's way doper than fucking Lost being a rerun AGAIN. Two episodes tonight, both reruns. I'm missing my little Lost parties--Guinness, pizza and good times.

My roommate H. bought me a Guinness hoodie for Christmas. I was going to buy it for myself but she snatched it from me, after we both agreed to do Christmas in January. I was a little irked, but not really. It's a damn nice hoodie. It's chocolate brown and has a really nice Guinness graphic on it.

We took a break from shopping to go to one of H.'s friends house for cocktails and ended up staying a lot longer than planned. Her friend brought out a tray of prosciutto and goat cheese and a bowl of warm Italian bread. They smoked pot, and he played reggae music on the stereo and a six hour VHS cassette of sattelite images of the Earth in orbit on the television screen. It was strangely engrossing. After that, we got Europe travel tips from Rick Steves, who may be the dorkiest man alive with the best job in the fucking world.

This entry's really pointless. I can't focus on anything right now. I just want to enjoy the company of the people I enjoy being in the company of, and I'm happy that there's a good number of people I like to be with. I may not post again until after Christmas, and I know there's not a lot of you, but for anyone who does read this, happy holidays.

I told you this Anchor Christmas Ale is good shit.


Erratic Prophet said...

This is why you get gift receipts for every gift you buy. So they can return it if they don't like it and you're not bothered with it.

And you totally don't expect potheads to bring out trays of prosciutto and goat cheese witth warm Italian bread. That blows my mind.

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

these are late 20s pot of whom is married to an actual italian. she's got the best accent. ever.

Michelle said...

MMMmmmmm, goats cheese & prosciutto...delicous, and definately not the gourmet food of dope fiends!
Merry Christmas J...stay safe & be happy :o)


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