Thursday, December 14, 2006

our friend, the dolphin, rescued by a giant

A lot of shit has happened this year that has been worthy of office water cooler chat time. Most of it has involved either Britney Spears' or Lindsay Lohan's vagina. Both of which are fine topics, but this is probably my favorite story of this year.

Two dolphins in an aquarium in China's Liaoning province ate some plastic on the edge of their tank and got themselves tummy aches. attempts at removing the deadly plastic via surgery failed because their stomachs contracted around the surgical instruments. The following is why veterinarians make the big bucks. Because they're problem solvers.

"Veterinarians then decided to ask for help from Bao Xishun, a 7-foot-9 herdsman from Inner Mongolia with 41.7-inch arms, state media said."

And it worked! Xishun was able to manually extract the plastic chunks, which revitalized the beleaguered sea mammals.

When I first heard this, I thought it had to be a hoax, but it seems pretty legit. I wish I could've been there when the frazzled veterinarian spoke up: "Guys. You might think I'm crazy...But I've got a plan." If you go to the story, there's a link to the video. And it's radical.


Erratic Prophet said...

41.7" arms?! How tall is this guy? I know that's not a clever comment, but I'm just too shocked..

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

he's 7'9". the tallest man in the world. and he's a herdsman. i wonder if they had him helicoptered in or something.


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