Monday, October 24, 2005

wally world

My roommate said I could use the car this weekend, since she'd be away camping with her boyfriend, so I took the opportunity to head to Wal-Mart to get some much needed supplies. I hate Wal-Mart, but the stuff was cheap, and I tell myself it's okay that I shop there as long as I follow some simple guidelines.

  1. Spend as little there as possible. They don't need your money as much as you do.
  2. Only go late, late in the night, because that's when all the carnie-type folk are working there.

I went this evening at 10:30pm, which is actually a lot earlier than I usually go. The last time I'd been there was the Monday night going into Tuesday morning that Lost Season 1 came out on DVD, and they actually had whole displays full of it waiting to be put in their proper place. I wanted one so bad, but I was really broke at the time. I could have been the first person in town to have owned a copy, and I totally would have bragged about that. I got lightbulbs instead, and a honking big package of toilet paper...and laundry detergent. Oh. And four cans of Chunky Soup, because they were on sale.

Tonight, I was in dire need of anti-perspirant, because all I have is the possibly feminine flowery stuff that has been in my bathroom's medicine cabinet for an unknown length of time and is currently giving me a slight aura of potpurri. I couldn't go to work like this again, so I took the car and headed to Wally World, where I bought two sticks of manly Gillette Cool Wave (because that's how I roll) with new Superior Protection. Protection from what, I'm not quite sure.

I try to stay on the beaten path at Wally World, but there's one thing that always leads me astray--the clearance DVD bin. Even though looking through it is just about the most futile exercise you could imagine, I find gems on occasion, like Before Sunrise (shut up!), which is my favorite love story movie (SHUT UP!).

Today, the pickings were slim. There were a few pilates DVDs, a Michelle Rodriguez movie called Girl Fight and Rambo III; but there were some winners as well, like Omen II (creepy!), Lake Placid (I love big killer animal movies, I have a growing collection), and uh...wait. I think that was it. Still, I ended up getting The Glass House with Leelee Sobieski, Diane Lane and Stellan Skarsgard. My expectations are low, though Michael Wilmington of the Chicago Tribune called it a "...a slick movie thriller..." But for $5.5o, I guess I can give it a shot. You've won the battle, Wal-Mart...but not the war.


Erratic Prophet said...

You like carny-type folk way too much for your own good.

Michelle said...

Hey i liked The Glass House, for that price you should too!


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