Monday, October 17, 2005

the spectre of death

Alias really threw me for a loop on Thursday night. I hadn't watched the episode from the week before--I'd taped it though--so I embarked upon a two-hour mini marathon. JJ Abrams knows how to make good television, or at least knows how to get me to watch television. I'll usually only watch network TV for sports and things of that nature. But I'm a sucker for cliffhangers and beautiful women--and I guess Mr. Abrams is too. Alias is in a weird transition, having killed off one of the show's main characters and writing in the pregnancy of its star. With Nadia out of commission (will someone cure her already, please?!?!) and Jen Garner all with evil spawn child (but still looking good), Alias's hottie quotient looked as if it was going to take a serious hit, which made its grasp on my fickle interests somewhat precarious. Abrams probably had a meeting with his execs on this matter, discussing how to firm their hold on the valuable J demographic. They put their heads together and came up with the answer. Agent Rachel Gibson.

I'm not sure where she came from, but I'm glad she's here. She's got that whole sexy librarian thing going for her, and if Marshall wasn't already married, he'd be all over that in a heartbeat. I'm just saying. There was totally tension when they were talking about hacking and USB ports or whatever. I guess when Jen's gotta go become a baby momma, Rachel's going to take over as queen agent, and that's fine by me. I was kinda hoping it'd be Nadia, but, y'know that's life.

Jen's not the only person in my life (well, she sorta is) who's with child. I just found out that two of my best friends (I was in their wedding party a few years back) are expecting their first child. It's only a month and a half in, but they sounded really excited over the phone. I think they'll make good parents. I know for sure the kid will listen to good music. They're the first two friends of mine from my New York youth to have kids, and I think I sounded more nervous over the phone than they did. I mean, how can they be so fucking calm?! Anyway, I'm going to be its honorary uncle J, and damn it, I've always wanted to be an uncle.

I guess I've hit that stretch in life where everyone I know is going to get married and start families. I'm a little behind the curve in both those respects, but that's probably for the best. I'd make a terrible father and husband at this point in my life. I enjoy being by myself--in most respects--and I kinda like that the deepest I get in conversation with most people is "how was your weekend." It's a lot less taxing. Though I have to admit that I've been having a few scares lately. First it was the death dream--I died in my dream and it felt like I wouldn't be able to pull myself out of it--and this morning, while I was having breakfast at this sports pub, watching the Giants/Cowboys game with a couple friends, I started to feel really bad. I don't know if I can explain it, but I thought I was going to lose consciousness or something. It hit really suddenly and lasted for a few seconds before it went away. I think it was some indigestion that went horribly wrong. This sensation shot from around my chest, up to my head, and really freaked me out.

I dunno, I've been thinking I need to go to the doctor or something. I've been trying to make up for my bad habits. I've become addicted to whole wheat anything, and I drink water constantly. I just want to be able to take it easy and not worry about everything so much. I think if I went to a doctor and he/she said, "chill out you're not dying," I wouldn't feel like shit all the time.

After I settled down, I felt fine again, just uneasy, so I decided to relax the rest of the day. I walked around downtown because it was really nice out, then went home to watch playoff baseball and bits of football games. I also napped. That was my first nap in quite some time, and I have to say I missed them terribly. When I woke up, I g33ked out something fierce and watched the cinematic sequel to Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children.

It was awesome. I think they fit too much stuff into too short a time, and at one point during one of the many fight/action sequences, I thought I thought I was going to be sent into a seizure. Still, it was 90 minutes of dazzling eye candy, and, clearly, Tifa Lockhart set the high water mark for how all subsequent Final Fantasy leading ladies are to be judged by.

I haven't played the game in years, and I didn't really get the whole story then either, so I had to scrape through the resin-encrusted pathways of my late-teen memories to piece things together. But really, I didn't want to look into it too much. When you get right down to it, the storylines for the games are pretty cheesy, ridiculously epic and full of gooey sentimentality and sappiness. But I guess that's what makes them so good.

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