Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i think i'm gonna be sick

Tomorrow the Mets embark upon their first playoff campaign in 6 years, and I don't think I've ever been this nervous about a sporting endevor. The last thing I need right now is to become super cranky because my baseball team isn't winning, because I totally will if they don't. Also, We've lost Pedro for the playoffs, now El Duque comes up a big just doesn't look good. I'm trying to keep the faith, though. I'm taking a three-hour lunch to watch the game tomorrow. They can fire me if they need to. And Saturday. ... I make a trip down to LA to see my first Mets playoffs game EVER. Since I'm going, I'll be totally responsible if they don't win. It's a lot of pressure. Wish me luck.


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Okay, good luck!

For me, any team besides the Yankees or Cardinals will suffice.

Good start for the Mets, at least.

Hard to type... you header is wonderfully distracting. Who is she?

Anonymous said...

just think good thoughts...but don't think about it too much because you might jinx them. But don't think about it to little because then they (being whoever keeps track of these things) might think you don't care enough.


if_i_had_a_hammer said...

hey steve...that's evangeline lilly. she's up there in honor of LOST's triumphant return to TV.

S- I must have thought about it just enough. WOO!!!


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