Friday, September 29, 2006

in lieu of something less interesting

For some reason, certain songs are popping in my head. I don't own any file sharing software because of my job, and I'm afraid some of the stuff that's on my computer might leak and alert record label bulldogs whose job it is to sniff out such things. Meaning, I won't be able to get free CDs any more. That's why I'm glad there's digital places like YouTube, so I can listen to stuff I don't have readily available whenever I want to.

I went to New York for my friend's wedding, and rest assured I had a good time. I'm also back home safe and sound and didn't die in some horrible plane crash. I also didn't end up on some deserted island, stranded with Evangeline Lilly. I'm stoked about the former, but somewhat bummed about the latter. I'll write a more proper post about my trip, though there's not much to talk about because it was so brief, when I'm more sober. In the mean time, here's some of the soundtrack for my last couple days, in a pleasing audio/visual format.

Hum - "Stars"
I had my guitar teacher show my how to play this one. Too bad I don't remember how to do it.

Pharoahe Monch - "Simon Says"
This became a favorite of mine more recently. Any song that samples Godzilla's soundtrack and uses the word "titties" is pretty fucking good in my book.

The Thermals - "Pillar of Salt"
If the new Thermals album was any better, it'd be illegal in Utah.

Pras ft. Mya and ODB - "Ghetto Supastar"
ODB rapping verses + Mya singing the hook = hip-pop gold.

Nirvana - "Drain You"
Probably my favorite song ever written (turn your speakers up).

1 comment:

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I've been getting that pop classic "Hitchin' A Ride" playing in my head upon my awakening at dawn each morning for the last five days. Strange, but pleasant.


Life, as it happens.
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