Wednesday, April 19, 2006

proud to be 'murrican

Here's an actual conversation I had at a bar on Easter Sunday. I'd stopped there after the Easter party, because I had to drop of RBF and my ex-roommate's boyfriend at the poker club a few doors down. They were drunk, I wasn't, and I figured since I was there anyway, I may as well grab a couple beers before I wandered to my lonely home all by my lonesome. Plus a bar open on Easter Sunday just had to be ripe for people watching. I found out that it was even riper for stimulating conversation.

The principal players are Me (me), A Rube (a rube) and A Large Rube (upsized version and friend of A Rube).

Me: [sitting at the bar, mindlessly sipping Pabst Blue Ribbon from a can, watching a basketball game rerun, day dreaming of hot moms]

A Rube and A Large Rube: [downing their shots of whisky, chasing with Budweiser, eyeing me suspiciously and murmuring to each other loud enough to stir me from fantasy world]

Me: [now looking at the Rubes] What? [flat tone, slightly perturbed]

A Rube: You E-Racki?

Me: Excuse me?

A Rube: Are you Iraqi?

Me: Iraqi? No. I'm Sicilian. [The inner gorilla grunts. If I were Iraqi, I'd have no problem saying so, but I knew why they were asking. I opted for righteous indignation, not that they knew what that was.]

A Large Rube: That's pretty close, isn't it? [He eyed me like he wanted a fight. I saw them say shit to this other group of dudes earlier.]

Me: [Shortly] Yeah, it is. [I was speaking geographically. Sicily is a lot closer to Iraq than bumbfuck California, anyway. I turned back to the game and figured that since I knew the bartenders, I wouldn't have much of a problem with these guys if they wanted a problem.]

A Rube: Are you white?

Me: [only here in crackerville could I possibly pass for anything other than a honkey] Yeah, I guess so. [but really what I meant was "isn't it obvious? Now stop talking to me, you racist fuck."]

A Rube: Good answer.

If/when Jesus does come back, most of his followers will probably be looking to lynch him.


Erratic Prophet said...

Dear sweet Jesus, move out of that place! God!

Michelle said...

Roflmfao.....too funny, wtf were they on???

if_i_had_a_hammer said...

they were on meth, whisky, beer and ignorance.


Life, as it happens.
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