Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the winter games

As my parents were burried under over two feet of snow, I went to a coworker's barbecue. I was kinda jealous, though, becuase my dad said there was thunder and lightning and the snow was falling at three inches an hour. I'm kind of a snow hound, and Nor'Easters were always an event for me. Winter's hurricane, yo.

But it's been nice and warm here, though today the dude on the news said it's not going to last. It's been in the mid-70s almost every day for the last week or two, but Thursday's supposed to bring changes--highs 20-30 degrees lower with rain and the possibility of snow even here on the valley floor. It won't be over two feet, maybe a dusting on grassy surfaces. But I'm sure that if it does happen, everyone will be talking about it.

Despite the nice weather, I've been feeling like total shit. Well, I guess that's not entirely accurate. I think I'm fighting through a mixture of exhaustion and alergies brought on by working way too much, sleeping way too little and the onset of this unseasonably warm weather. There's like mosquitos and bees out and shit, and it's fucking ridiculous. It's February...early February.

Since my workload has decreased over the past few days, I've been taking it upon myself to relax as much as possible and try to get rid of this dry cough that I can't seem to shake. When I cough, or bend down, they whole side of my face throbs with pain and it's not cool. Unfortunately, I still can't sleep and being stuck at work for 20 straight days made me a little antsy so I went out a couple times over the weekend. On Saturday, I ended up at my coworker's apartment and a bunch of us were watching Olympics coverage, which I'm totally addicted to right now. I even watched pairs figureskating today, which was pretty hardcore, but more on that later.

It was like 3am, but we got in just in time to watch Michelle Kwan give her heartfelt withdrawal from the Olympics. I know she's a figure skater and all, but I'm not gonna lie and say I wasn't always happy to hear Michelle won something. She totally rocked and isn't all super bitch like Nancy Kerrigan, or super psycho like Tanya Harding. I thought Michelle handled herself with poise and class, like she always does, which I know is cliche to say, but whatever. You rule, Michelle Kwan, and I full admit that at the peril of my masculinity, I watched a couple events in the past just to see you represent the good ol' stupid US of A. God Bless America.

Michelle handled herself a lot better than former US skate star Scott Hamilton, who was in the studio with Bob Costas to provide valuable insight about the big announcement. Scott was visibly a wreck. Maybe it was just because of the late hour, but as Scott braved his way through his analysis, I swear I could see a trembling chin and a look in his eyes that said, "if Michelle Kwan cries, I'm gonna lose it, man." I was totally right there with him, but I was kinda drunk at the time having soldiered through almost $30 worth of bar trade at a rock/country show. I would've wrote a sorrowful country ballad about Ms. Kwan's injured groin, but people, perhaps, would have taken in the wrong way.

In Michelle's wake, the hope of the States in the Olympics most "fanciful" event rests on the petite shoulders of goobery father's daughter-type and Kwan's replacement Emily Hughes (whose sister Sarah won the event in 2002) and unnervingly flexible Ukranian import Sasha Cohen. I'd rather not say which has earned a special place in my heart and nethers, because I want to make it clear that I support all of the American athletes.

That being said, however, it was an athlete from China who really stole the show today. Lil' Zhang Dan in figure skating pairs was tossed by the Male Zhang and landed something fierce on her delicate knee. I think this girl weighs like 10 pounts in cement slippers, but she got up and nailed her spin-y things and twirly things and her and Male Zhang won the silver. It was pretty dope, but I think I've gone on far too much about figure skating so I'll turn the focus to more gruntingly male things like...well...they really didn't have much of that today at the Olympics, unless you count male speed skating 500m (I was really bummed that Apollo Ohno bit it in the short track last night) and curling, which I fucking love, but either I missed it, or they were too busy showing cute US stoner chicks tear up the halfpipe (Hannah Teter took gold and Gretchen Bleiler took silver). With any luck they won't have to pee in any cups. Because I heard Shaun White's got the chronic.

1 comment:

Erratic Prophet said...

I keep saying I should watch some of the olympics, but it doesn't seem to be happening..


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