Saturday, July 28, 2007


I've officially become a patron of the arts. The other day, I got a print by Audrey Kawasaki, who's one of my favorite artists right now. It's not like it's a very long list; I'm not very astute when it comes to following artsy stuff. Still, I'm extremely excited. When I ordered the print, I wasn't sure that I got through in time. Four weeks later, when I was pretty much sure that I hadn't gotten it, a well wrapped package appeared at my office and I hopped from desk to desk showing it off. It's not very big--just a 10" x 8" print--and it only cost me $55 all together with shipping, but I've never really owned a piece of art before. The print is on archival paper and is number 9 of 200, which makes the comic collector nerd in me get a stiffy (OMG!!! First TEN?!!11). Right now, she's off being framed (on the company's account) and I'm already scoping the walls of my little studio for the perfect spot. I may have to sell the car to get more of this stuff.


Erratic Prophet said...

It rocks, yo!

Anonymous said...

That is so beautiful!

Side note - Did you get the invite yet?


Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

I ordered a Junko Mizuno print from Vacuum Reconds in Japan eight years ago, as well as a dirty Murray Eisner around the same time. Beginning and end of my career as a patron.


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