Thursday, April 19, 2007

you can't cross the wall...nobody crosses the wall...

Spider-Man 3 is the best movie of 2007. I haven't seen it yet, but I don't have to. The trailers give me chills. Seriously. I think about the movie and my nipples get hard. I don't even have to go see it. In fact, I might just buy tickets to it and never go. It's already really fucking good in my head, and I wouldn't want to ruin it. That being said, there will be other movies that will tickle my fancy (I have a fancy to be tickled) this coming year. Ninja Cheerleaders for one. Also, the Transformers movie. That should be good. But the best of the bunch after The Best Movie of All Time Ever may be Stardust, based on the graphic novel by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess, both of whom I've met, so I count as close personal friends.

(OK...on a side note, here's how I think Spider-Man 3 is going to go. At first, I thought it looked like putting Venom in it would be too much, because there's already Harry Osborn taking the mantle of the Green Goblin and the Sandman as Uncle Ben's killer and I figured they couldn't do that all in one movie. BUT, then I started thinking about it: So, Spidey finds out this new supervillain is really the mofo who offed his uncle, so he seeks revenge and fucks him the fuck up. This rage causes bad feelings to swelter which opens him up to the new black suit symbiote thing. THEN! Harry Osborn is all uppity so Spidey serves him something fierce, but they were tight homies so Spidey is all bummed. He realizes the suit's making him do bad things so he tears it off and then it finds Eddie Brock and becomes Venom and then Spidey has to engage in a metaphorical and actual battle against the rage that consumed him. And he makes out with Mary Jane a bunch of times. And I'll probably lose my shit in the theater and scream "FUCK HIM UP SPIDEY!!!" I've put a lot of thought into this.)

Anyway. Stardust. Here's the trailer. It stars Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert DeNiro, Ricky Gervais and Claire Danes, who I thought was super dreamy back when the graphic novel was originally released.

In other movie related news, rumors have surfaced that Kate Beckinsale may star in the Barbarella remake.



Erratic Prophet said...

Oh.. Oh, my.. I think I've wet myself watching that trailer.

You know what they need to do? Make an Anansi Boys movie. Pronto.

Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...

Well, I saw 1 movie so far this year. Hot Fuzz. I enjoyed the hell out of it. I was an Iron Man kid, so summer 2008 has the good made for me. Still, I'll prolly see Spidey, Pirates, and John McClane this summer on the big screen.


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